Model information:

In this page, you can find more about the related gene expression data of zebrafish at this stage of development that we have by following link(s) provided in the last row of model information. The [GEMS] link brings you to the list of 3D gene expression pattern images along with their image and experimental conditions. The [ZFIN] link brings you to the list of structures existing in this stage of development.

Author ...
Organization ...
Specie Danio rerio
Stage of development Pharyngula:High-pec [GEMS] [ZFIN]
Description A 48 hpf embryo with a low resolution
Image size X x Y x Z (pixel) 300 x 300 x 125
Image sampling distance X,Y,Z 1.5, 1.5, 4.0
Type of model Anatomy Atlas
Number of structures 19
View all structures Select structures Query

List of Structures:

You can find more information about each anatomical structure from ZFIN by following the query link.

Structure name Structure Type More information from ZFIN
TELENCEPHALON Anatomical Structure query
LENS Anatomical Structure query
OPTIC CUP Anatomical Structure query
OLFACTORY PLACODE Anatomical Structure query
MESENCEPHALON Anatomical Structure query
DIENCEPHALON Anatomical Structure query
THIRD VENTRICLE Anatomical Structure query
FOURTH VENTRICLE Anatomical Structure query
OTIC VESICLE Anatomical Structure query
NOTOCHORD Anatomical Structure query
CEREBELLUM Anatomical Structure query
MYELENCEPHALON Anatomical Structure query
MOUTH Anatomical Structure query
ECTODERM Anatomical Structure query
WHITE MATTER Anatomical Structure query
OPTIC NERVE Anatomical Structure query
YOLK Anatomical Structure query
PECTORAL FIN BUD Anatomical Structure query
LATERAL LINE NEUROMAST Anatomical Structure query
View all structures Select structures Query

Last modified: March 2012.