Imaging & BioInformatics Research Projects
Bio Molecular Informatics, NWO
In this research program we are investigating linking and mining of spatio temporal databases in developmental biology. The design and implementation of a database for spatial patterns of gene expression is central to the research. A number of case studies are conducted to illustrate the mehtods that we have developed. This is done for mining, linking as well as patterns of gene expression. The project is a collaboration of the LIACS, the Institute Biology Leiden and the distrubuted systems group in Utrecht. 3 PhD students and 1 programmer are working in this project.
[Project Pages] [Leiden Zebrafish Research]
The Cyttron project aim at building a virtual microscope by connecting a range of microscope imaging techniques. Our research group is involved in building infrastructrure for database as well as a common visualization platform.
[Cyttron] [Local Cyttron Project Pages]
Bio Range, Netherlands BioInformatics Centre
The BioRange project constitutes a broad range of themes in bioinformatics research in the Netherlands. Our research group is involved in two projects; i.e. (1) Heterogeneous data-integration and mining (2) and Knowledge engeneering.
[BioRange Pages] [Local BioRange Project Pages]
Bio Tune, Netherlands BioInformatics Centre
The rationale of this project is to develop a common framework for bioinformatics educational resources in educational institutes (Polotech & Universities) in the Netherlands. This project is carries out with a consortium of 5 educational insitutes: i.e. Univeristies of Wageningen, Utrecht, Nijmegen and Leiden with the Hanze Hoogeschool in Groningen.
[BioWise Pages] [BioTune Project Pages]