Processing Zebrafish Microarrays

Under construction. Work in collaboration with Institute for Biololgy Leiden and ZF-models.

Data Mining

In preparation.

Data linking

Restricted set is used in demonstration program.


Meijer AH, Verbeek FJ, Salas-Vidal E, Corredor-Adamez M, Bussman J, van der Sar AM, Otto GW, Geisler R, Spaink HP (2005).
Transcriptome profiling of adult zebrafish at the late stage of chronic tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium marinum infection. Mol Immunol. 2005 Jun;42(10):1185-203.

M. Corredor-Adámez, M.C.M. Welten, H.P. Spaink, J.E. Jeffery, R.T. Schoon, M.A.G. de Bakker, C.P. Bagowski, A.H. Meijer, F.J. Verbeek and M.K. Richardson (2005).
Genomic annotation and transcriptome analysis of the Danio rerio hox complex with description of a novel member, hoxb13a. Evolution and Development (Accepted)

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